Fire Alarm Systems
Fire Alarm Systems is a set of technical means in buildings and structures that perform the tasks of operational identification of the source, fire or smoke, and alert people and emergency services. Uninterrupted and correct operation of such a complex is possible only with proper installation and timely maintenance. The specialists of our company have been licensed by the DSNS of Ukraine and have the appropriate experience to perform such work.
- quickly transmit warnings about the spread of fire to the duty service, indicating the place of its occurrence at the facility being monitored;
- remotely activate automatic fire extinguishers - different types of fire extinguishers, which are selected based on the specific operating conditions of the enterprise;
- ensure the operation of access control systems for the quick and effective evacuation of people from houses or structures engulfed in fire;
- transmit information about the emergency to additional dispatch control nodes;
- turn on the fire warning system for quick evacuation of people from the place of danger.
Installation of systems is carried out by design solutions developed on the basis of regulatory documents in the field of fire safety.
When developing and installing design solutions our specialists take into account such factors as : the total area of the object, number of storeys, the number of entrances and exits, the presence of isolated rooms and technical rooms, the length of corridors, passages and stairs, as well as construction and finishing materials used in construction and finishing works. That is why the systems implemented by our specialists will provide the optimal configuration of the fire protection system.
We provide not only the purchase of the necessary equipment at the lowest prices, but also the correct check and start of the system, and the execution of all necessary documentation for successful commissioning of the building.
Our company, quickly and for a reasonable price, equips your premises with all the necessary fire safety equipment.