The construction process includes all the organizational, design, construction, installation and commissioning work associated with the creation, alteration or demolition of the object, as well as cooperation with the competent authorities on the production of such works. We offer solutions for various difficulty levels: for individual construction projects, as well as large residential, office and industrial buildings and structures.
The whole complex of measures to provide the building by necessary systems can be represented as the following steps:
• investigation of construction facility, pre-design preparation, preparation of technical specifications;
• engineering of systems and communications;
• shipping equipment to the facility and installation of engineering systems;
• commissioning works and commissioning of the object;
• comprehensive warranty and service
"UKRinfosystems" company performs the full range of works of providing buildings by engineering systems - from design to commissioning with the subsequent service (on request). During installation of engineering systems, our specialists perform a full range of services: preparation and distribution of communications, supply and installation of all necessary equipment, a trial run of the system, setting up a network in accordance with the wishes of the customer and security requirements. All work is performed in accordance with regulatory requirements, using modern materials and equipment, based on advanced technologies of construction.
You can order a full complex of works to equip your facility by engineering systems (from design to installation and maintenance), ie choose an engineering solution "turn-key", or draw us only at a certain stage of engineering systems installation.
We guarantee an individual approach and highly professional execution of the project for each client.